LESHAN-PHOENIX Semiconductor Company Limited was founded in March 1st 1995. It is a joint venture invested by ON Semiconductor with Leshan Radio Company and Motorola. We are one of the most respected semiconductor manufacturing centers in China with a total investment of over US$ 500M, including a huge Backend Assembly-Test plant and one Wafer Fab, which is under construction. Total employees are over 2000. 乐山-菲尼克斯半导体有限公司成立于1995年03月01日,是由美国安森美半导体公司、乐山无线电股份有限公司和摩托罗拉公司合资兴办。作为中国卓越的半导体制造中心之一,乐山-菲尼克斯半导体有限公司的总投资额达5亿多美元,包括已建成的大型后工序封装厂及在建中的一个前工序芯片厂。目前公司员工总人数已超过2000名。 Leshan-Phoenix produces miniature standard surface mount semiconductors such as SOT23, SC59, SOD323, SC70, SC88/88A, SOD523 and SC89 consisting of Logic IC, Transistors and Diodes. The products are used in electronic equipment, automotive industry, communication systems, Broad Band data technology, computer and consumer electric products, etc. 公司目前主要产品为表面封装的分立半导体元器件,如SOT23,SC59,SOD323,SC70,SC88/88A,SOD523,SC89等(GP/RF三极管,二极管稳压管,结型场效应三极管等),主要应用于电子及电气设备、 汽车行业、通讯系统、宽带数据技术、电脑和家用电器等产品。 Leshan-Phoenix is the centre of excellence for semiconductor manufacturing in China and worldwide, and its capability to produce world-class quality products at benchmark cost levels. The annual output of 2003 has reached more than 10 billion units. These have contributed greatly to the Leshan City, Sichuan and China’s economic development. 乐山-菲尼克斯是中国卓越的半导体制造中心,产品以世界级质量和同类产品的低成本水平销往世界各地。2003年产量超过100亿只。乐山-菲尼克斯公司为中国、西部四川乐山 的经济发展作出了巨大贡献。 As the largest foreign investment in Sichuan Province, LESHAN-PHOENIX has been a STAR in the development of the electronic industry in Western China, bringing technology and economic development to the people there. 作为四川省最大的外商投资企业,乐山-菲尼克斯半导体有限公司已成为中西部经济工业中的一个亮点,为当地的人民带来科技和经济的发展。 联系方式 有意者请将相关资料(个人工作及学习简历,毕业证复印件,学位证复印件,身份证复印件)按如下信息交到乐山-菲尼克斯半导体有限公司人力资源部. 1. EMS邮政快递公司地址: 四川省乐山市人民西路27号甲乐山-菲尼克斯半导体有限公司收件人 : 人力资源部(招聘部) 邮编 : 614000 2. 电子邮件: hr@mail.lps.com.cn 3. 联系电话: (0833)2127909-2305 / 2113430 / 8008862255(免费) 联系人 : 王先生 我们将妥善保管您的简历和安排面试,公司内部将进行资源共享和协调对应聘者的资料进行审核,并提前通知应聘者进行面试.